Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Inquiry Based Learning

Inquiry is a general term that covers a number of different approaches to teaching and learning. Teaching practices that utilize inquiry learning dispositions include:

          problem-based learning: learning that begins with the ill-structured problem or case study
project-based learning: students create a project or presentation as a demonstration of their understanding

based instructional design: learning through workplace design solutions to complex problems
All learning activities should focus on using information processing skills (from synthesis observations) and applying discipline "ground rules" as a means to learn to manage content in a broader conceptual context.

Inquiry learning puts the learner at the center of an active learning process, and systemic elements (teachers, instructional resources, technology, etc.) are processed or aligned to support learners.

The role of the teacher becomes one of facilitating the learning process. Teachers also be learners to find out more about the students and the process of inquiry learning

Being assessed is what is valued. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on assessing the development of information-processing skills, maintained a habit of mind, or "ground rules" of the discipline, and conceptual understanding - not just the contents of the field.

learningAn important aspect of inquiry-based learning (and science) is the use of open learning terbuka.Belajar not have a set target or results that must be achieved. There is an emphasis on the individual to manipulate information and create meaning from a set materials provided or circumstances. In many conventional and structured learning environment, the results are expected to be told what, and then they just expected to 'confirm' or show evidence that this is happening.
Open learning has many benefits. [Citation needed] This means that students not only perform experiments in a routine like fashion, but really think about the results they collect and what it means. With non-traditional open lessons there is a tendency for students to say that the experiment 'was wrong' when they pooled the results contrary to what they were told to expect. In open learning nothing wrong results, and students should evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the results they collect themselves and decide their value.
Open learning has been developed by a number of American science educators including John Dewey and German Martin Wagenschein. Wagenschein idea was especially good complement open learning and inquiry-based learning in the teaching work. He stressed that students should not be taught bald facts, but must understand and explain what they learned. The most famous example of this was when he asked the students to tell what speed physics falling body. Almost all students will produce an equation, but no student can explain what this equation means. [Citation needed] Wagenschien use this example to demonstrate the importance of understanding knowledge.

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