Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Self-directed Learning

Self-directed learning is not a new concept. In fact, much has been written about it. Unfortunately, however, it is an idea that has various interpretations and applications in the arena of corporate training. Typical, narrow interpretation involves learners only provide such a choice in their learning. For example, which allows learners to choose one or more courses from the curriculum, or, in cases of structured training on-the-job, which allows employees to choose what pre-designed modules (eg, videotape, workbook, reading special, etc..) to complete. In terms of e-learning, the fact that learners can specify the modules or scenarios for review is also often mentioned as a self-directed learning.The fact that students have choices and make the decision to choose this module or it is not a true self-directed learning .This interpretation is too limited. Self-directed learning is much more. Using the analogy of traveling, a narrow interpretation of SDL is the same as choosing where to go, ie, objective. The essence of the idea of ​​self-directed learning advocated here, however, is a broader, more fundamental. It is about learning to decide not only where to travel but how they will go (both means of transport and route), when they will go, how they will get there and how long they would stay.Basically, the idea here reflect the SDL recommends Malcolm Knowles SDL definition:"In a broad sense, 'self-directed learning' describes a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, select and implement learning strategies right, and evaluating learning outcomes. "(Knowles, 1975, p. 18)The main concern in this definition is the fact SDL students take 1) initiative to pursue learning experience, and 2) the responsibility for completing their learning. Having taken the initiative, students assume full responsibility and accountability for determining the learning experience and follow it through to completion. This does not preclude input from other people, but the final decision was a student. Self-direction does not mean that students learn on their own or in isolation. While, that may occur in any given learning situation, an important factor here, once again, is the fact that encourages student learning experience overall, begins by recognizing the need to learn.

What makes self-directedlearning efective?
According Gureckis and MARKANT, studies of cognition offers several explanations that help to account for the advantage of self-directed learning. For example, self-directed learning helps us optimize our educational experience, allowing us to focus our efforts on the useful information that we do not have and expose us to information that we do not have access to through passive observation. The active nature of self-directed learning also helps us in coding information and save it from time to time.
But we do not always optimal self-directed learners. Many cognitive biases and heuristics that we rely on to help us make decisions can also affect what information we notice and, ultimately, learning.
Gureckis and MARKANT note that computational models commonly used in machine learning research can provide a framework for studying how people evaluate multiple sources of information and decide about the information they are looking for and attend. Work in machine learning can also help identify the benefits - and drawbacks - of independent exploration and exploration situations where it would provide the greatest benefit for learners.
Drawing together research from cognitive and computational perspectives will provide researchers with a better understanding of the processes underlying self-directed learning and can help bridge the gap between basic research and applied research cognitive education. MARKANT Gureckis and hope that this integration will help researchers to develop methods of training aids that can be used to customize the learning experience to explain the specific demands of the situation and characteristics of individual learners.

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